
I recently had a conversation with my friend Amy about how she makes decisions. She keeps planning to move away from the small mountain she lives in. But when it comes to the time she has set to move, she describes the whole ordeal as moving away from, rather than towards, something. Like driving away from summer camp and leaving your new best friends behind. However, it's now your real-life and the community you've cultivated over the last decade. 

‘How do I make decisions?’ is a question I am often asking myself. I have recently graduated from school, and I have the privilege to have nothing and no one depending on me. I have an immense amount of freedom. But without forces deciding certain things for me, where do I live, what jobs to apply for, who to live with, etc. How do I make these decisions? 

I love to talk through the difficult hangups and weigh the necessary considerations with my friends as they are making decisions. But I often feel confused when it is myself making the decision. I know I am not alone in this struggle. 

Take moving for example. Choosing a place to live in your twenties is a big decision. With the growth of remote work opportunities, a good job doesn't always answer the reason of where to live. I recently moved to Brooklyn, NY. I cannot quite articulate how I made this decision. There were just enough things pulling me here that it felt like a move towards, not a move away from anything. 

Amy describes the right decisions as things you feel you are moving towards, and I agree. The difficult thing is that feeling is often quietly whispering within you. 

All this agonizing over how to make decisions may just be a fool's game. As a wise someone once said or wrote, no decision is right or wrong, you make a decision then you have the opportunity to make it the right one.